Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weight Loss Success

Top 3 weight loss tips from successful PC Conditioning clients past and present:

  • Nearly every individual successful in long-term weight loss maintenance eats breakfast every single day.

  • The majority of clients track their exercise and nutrition in a journal, whether written or on a computer.

  • A diverse exercise routine keeps my clients focused on not just working out, but having fun. Daily movement that causes an increase in heart rate and engages all major muscle groups is how I'll typically define exercise. Group exercise classes, dancing, weight training, cycling, and swimming all count. I still have issues with some of my male clients trying to rationalize their softball leagues as "exercise." I call it an excuse to drink. If they're lucky, they'll get a hit or two and run maybe 90-180 feet. Now compare that to the 6+ beers that consumer during and after the game and spells "caloric trouble"/weight gain.

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