Sunday, March 02, 2008

Random Fitness Tips

My suggestions/random thoughts for today include the following:

  • Perform a Total Body Workout 3 Times Per Week- I hate when I ask people what they did at the gym for their workout and they answer with "chest, back, and biceps." Rather, when I ask what you worked, your answer should be something like "Everything." Total body workouts are more fun, I've found, and challenge you more than isolative-type workouts.

  • Consume 5-6 meals per day and eat protein and vegetables at each meal.

  • Get 7-9 hours sleep EVERY night. There's nothing worse than feeling sluggish during the day or worse yet, right when you are about to work out. Rest and recovery, in my mind, still remain the most overlooked and underappreciated components of a successful fitness plan.

  • Keep records of all your workouts. It's encouraging to look back and see the progress you've made whether it be the amount of weight you can lift, your % of body fat decreasing, or even the intensity of conditioning you can now handle.

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