Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Strength Training Tips for Everyone

(Bodyweight Variation of a "1-Arm/1-Leg Stiff-Legged Deadlift")

Improving Posture- A simple way to improve your posture is to alter your “pull:push ratio.”  Specifically, your program should contain more pulling than pushing.  Seated Rowing, Chin-ups, Pull-ups, Dumbbell Rows, etc… should be performed in a 3:1 ratio with Push-ups, Dumbbell Pressing, etc…

Strength Progressions- A common way to challenge your muscles is to gradually increase the amount of weight you lift.  However, this progression in weight should be as small as possible.  For example, if 20 lbs. on a given exercise is too light, 30 lbs. is too much (50%) of a jump.  Consider 22.5 lbs. if possible.  Your muscles may tolerate the jump, but your ligaments and tendons also have to adjust.  The 2.5 lb. plates are very underrated.  Use them as a means of sensible strength progressions.

Lower Body Training Balance- Squat and lunge variations are common “knee-dominant” lower body exercises, but to develop strength symmetry through the legs, your program should incorporate “hip-dominant” exercises as well.  Movements such as Stiff-Legged Deadlift (SLDL) variations and Hip Extension variations should be included in your lower body training to strengthen the “Posterior Chain” (i.e. Glutes and Hamstrings).  This mode of training is a great way to protect the knee joint and may also reduce the incidence of injury (i.e. ACL, Meniscal tears, etc…)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Power of Sleep for Athletes

By the 2012 Olympics Usain Bolt became the first man in history to win 6 Olympic gold medals in sprinting.
So what does Bolt consider to be the most important part of his daily training regime? None other than sleep.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Reverse Crunches

I was doing these with a client this past week and I still rank as them as one of my favorite underrated exercises.  

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Did the Biggest Loser REALLY produce a Winner?

Rachel Frederickson, a 24-year-old who started the weight loss contest at 260 pounds, was crowned the winner by losing about 60 percent of her body weight and weighing in at a very lean 105 pounds.  The concern among some viewers is that Rachel went too far and lost too much weight.  

Personally, I think she looks waaaaay too skinny.  

Check out the full breakdown here:

Tuesday, February 04, 2014