Sunday, August 25, 2013

4 Nutrition Facts

-I recently posted this at the facility I train clients at.  Some of my favorite foods....and super tasty!


Ø  Bananas have less potassium than Kiwi, Apricots, and Avocado

Ø  Greek Yogurt is high in protein, which helps promote fullness. A typical 6-ounce serving contains 15 to 20 grams, the amount in 2 to 3 ounces of lean meat.

Ø  Blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings. They rank only second to strawberries in popularity of berries in the United States.

Ø  Sardines are one of the most concentrated sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been found to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels.  They are named after Sardinia, the Italian island where large schools of these fish were once found.

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