We've officially reached the halfway point of 2010. I'm sure you set a goal or two for yourself at the beginning of the year. Are you at least 50% toward that goal? If not, it's time to look back and discover why you aren't there. Several pieces comprise a quality goal, and it's time you answer some questions:
- Was the goal realistic?
- Did you surround yourself with positive influences (i.e. friends, co-workers, family members, etc... who could help motivate you on your way)?
- Did you seek assistance from those who have achieved the goal you set for yourself
- Did you keep a journal along the way (i.e. tracking your body weight, workouts, etc...)?
There's still time to bounce back and re-establish positive behaviors to help reach your goal(s) for 2010. I assist clients every day with challenges and I'd be glad to help you. Email me (paulconnolly123@gmail.com) with your questions/concerns. Asking for help is your first step to achieving your goal!