Monday, December 15, 2014

Great job, Manchester/Essex Regional School District Teachers!

I finished teaching a Total Body Conditioning class today for the staff of Manchester-Essex Regional School District.  They did an outstanding job!  I got some great feedback including one person who wrote on their feedback form the following:
"Paul was so knowledgable and very thorough in his explanations of each exercise/position/stretch.  His patience and positivity was great.  I hope to work with him again in a similar program."

Monday, December 01, 2014

New FDA rules will put calorie counts on menus

Do Calories Really Matter?

Whether they want to or not, consumers will soon know how many calories they are eating when ordering off the menu at chain restaurants, picking up prepared foods at supermarkets, and even eating a tub of popcorn at a movie theater.

Check out the full article HERE: